Bible Trivia: 03/09/23

Posted by on March 9, 2023 9:31 am
Categories: Daily Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia: Is your life not what you imaged it would be when you dreamed of your future as you graduated from high school?
Answer: Hollywood has messed with our minds and reality: dramatic happy endings in the bottom of the 9th inning, perfect bodies, perfect romances, and 6 & 7 figure incomes. Real life takes continuous hard work, daily effort, planning and has unexpected turns. Real life is different. Don’t be fooled to think you are not blessed because your life doesn’t compare to a Hollywood movie or a TV show or a romantic novel. Only compare your life to who you are in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17. Be encouraged: you are massively blessed and unconditionally loved by God, who has a wonderful plan just for your life and nobody else’s.